We offer a limited selection of Marine supplies. Additionally, we can place an order for any supplies contained in the Hamilton Marine catalog and generally receive delivery within 24 hours. Please inquire for additional information.
We have fresh water available for our guests.
Many talented fisherman call Buck’s Harbor home. With advance notice, we can have freshly caught live lobsters at the Buck’s Harbor Marina Store.
Find your favorite Buck’s Harbor merchandise from t-shirts, sweatshirts, swim shirts, to BH glasses, travel mugs, and marina caps. There is an ample selection of beer and wine as well as water, sodas, juice, comfort snacks, ice cream and candy. Some boat supplies available, and if we don’t have it, we can get it!
Customers are welcome to use our two restrooms, which are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. For our members, charterers, and transient mooring guests there are attractive and clean showers (two outdoor and one indoor) across from our main office and store.
Coming soon!
Transient mooring guests are welcome to use our dumpster to dispose of trash.
Free wifi is available to our transient guests who have reserved a mooring. The network is Buck’s Harbor Marina. Just ask us for the password once you’ve paid for your mooring!
Mooring guests and Buck’s Harbor Members are given a permit for the parking lot at the top of the hill behind the marina.
Bucks Harbor Marina is under new ownership and is now open.
We are a unique marina located in the heart of the Penobscot Bay, the premier cruising area in Maine. Our historic facility in the coastal town of Brooksville is located at the head of the Bay’s famed Eggemoggin Reach, one of the most protected and popular passages on the Maine coast. Our marina dock, facilities and mooring field are famous for their protected, pristine, and peaceful deep-water harbor.
If you are planning a Maine cruise or are currently underway and entering Penobscot Bay, give us a visit to discover the classic reality of the way Maine cruising should be. With over 35 heavy duty transient moorings, a small rental fleet, plus seasonal memberships and moorings, it is no wonder so many skippers and their crews return to our marina each year. Although no fuel is available this year, please visit to explore the town of Brooksville, and take advantage of our marina services for provisions and supplies, and the best hot showers on the Maine coast!
Monday–Sunday 8am–6pm
Phone: (207) 326-8839
Email: info@bucksharbor.com
Address: 684 Coastal Rd, Brooksville, ME 04617